Join us for a Reiki infused sound meditation to reset and welcome spring.
As the season changes and the first quarter of 2024 has passed it often feels like a time to reset and re evaluate. Are you feeling stuck? In need of an opportunity to refocus and recommit? A sound meditation combined with the power of Reiki energy healing can be just what you need to move forward into spring and to refine your goals and intentions. During this 75 minute event you will find a space of relaxation that calms and clears the mind making way for renewal, inspiration, and new ideas. Himalayan and crystal bowls, gongs, drums, chimes and other instruments help to shift your nervous system and provide new insight. Reiki healing can help to move stagnant or stuck energy from your physical, mental, and emotional body. When used in tandem, this creates an atmosphere that truly holds potential for healing and growth. Each participant will have the opportunity to receive hands on Reiki healing. Mats and props will be provided, please feel free to bring any additional comfort items that you might need. If resting on the floor is not accessible to you please contact Andrea for alternative options. Sound and Reiki provided by Andrea Taylor, Black Dog Healing Arts Sound Healing Practitioner and Reiki Master- Teacher.
Reiki Healing provided by Sarah Thompson Reiki Master Practitioner.
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